With a unique environment formed by a faculty of
Singaporean and international artists and educators
from more than eighteen countries worldwide, its
creative syllabi infuse a distinctive Asian viewpoint
to artistic practice, with the sole aim of nurturing
enterprising and employable graduates who will
become cultural influencers and leaders. With
LASALLE’s diverse portfolio of disciplines catering
to diverse talents, it opens the door to many career
pathways. Graduates Tang Liang Ying and Claire
Ngan share more on how their experiences have
equipped them to excel in their future.
Claire Ngan Su Min
BA (Hons) Fashion Media & Industries,
First Class Honours,
Class of 2018
The Crossroads Between Fashion and Business
“I have an in-depth understanding of the interplay between fashion media and fashion entrepreneurship as my programme focuses on the communication and business of fashion. Through this dynamic curriculum, I acquired a broad range of skills and knowledge in diverse areas such as art direction, branding, entrepreneurship, fashion curation, fashion retail, image-making, and marketing.
This journey has been a highly positive experience, interacting with a diverse community of students from over 40 countries! Being taught by international lecturers opened my eyes to a more inclusive education system where I was able to freely explore my creativity through my projects. They were very accepting of unconventional ideas and were constantly pushing the boundaries of my thinking and creativity so that I could be more ambitious in my work.
And this is just our internal faculty! One of the many benefits of being a student of LASALLE is the privilege of being able to tap into the industry networks that LASALLE has established. The advice and guidance that I received from lecturers and speakers who are active participants in the fashion industry motivated me to strive higher to make a difference in the community. The skills that I acquired during the course of my study have proven invaluable in my growth as I transition into the fashion industry. I would strongly recommend LASALLE as the school will provide you with ample learning opportunities as well as the space for you to explore various mediums in preparation for your career and future, as it has done for me.”
Tang Liang Ying
Graphic Designer
Silicon Plus / PIXERF
BA (Hons) Design Communication,
First Class Honours,
Class of 2018
The Designer Dream
“I grew up with a passion to create solutions through design.
The reason LASALLE was my choice institution is because
the school takes remarkable effort to reach out to the creative
industries and constantly strives to stay relevant. I was
given the opportunity to work with a wide range of industry
practitioners, from independent publishers to well-recognised
studios and international design agencies. LASALLE’s network
and name in the industry put us at an advantage in the design
field, creating more open doors in my career.
Personally, LASALLE’s education has equipped me with
greater depth and research in my work, so that I do not only
create ideas and solutions that are aesthetically outstanding,
but more importantly are practical, functional, and serve their
purpose well.
Another memorable aspect of my education at LASALLE is
the unique college environment that I got to enjoy. There is a
diverse and rich mix of cultures, stories, and personalities to
be exposed to and learn from. Some days I would see designers
dancing along studio corridors; other times, you would be
treated to a sight of students setting up a tea party in the middle
of campus. It is fun and inspiring to see creativity all around.
Such stories, exposure, and knowledge shape and influence us
as designers, and challenge a quiet person like me to be bold
with my ideas and execute them without holding back.
I am excited about my future. There is so much to look forward
to in the design industry! The world needs creativity and it is
no surprise that the design discipline is being actively adopted
in many industries. With the evolution of technology, it is
a great opportunity to challenge designers to use it to our
advantage and solve even bigger real-world problems. In today’s
climate, designers are certainly poised and positioned to be
life changers.”